Wednesday 11 May 2016

Our Superstar.... GRANDMA!

What was it like to be called "Grandma" at a young age of 47?
Was it joy, happiness, excitement, love or fun?
You had it all and you showed us all...
From your first to the last two, you were there for all...
You showed us the great power of love and dignity...
You taught us respect, fun, joy and love through your dignity..
Your courage, your strength, your laughter, your smile
Loved by all...
How could we ever forget your sweet voice
When you sang to us in different languages
English, Malay, Tamil and Japanese... Oh! Those times...
You sang with joy and happiness... You were there for us...
Love, care and strength... You didn't give up till you left us...
Your stories from your past will always be with us
Those were History taught by you.... Teacher...
We are all grown up now
But our childhood with you will be forever
It will never fade... You will never fade...
Still fresh... Still solid like it was yesterday...
You were there to join us in games
"Don't fight... Don't argue... Love one another"...
Your words will never fade...
Kept in mind, kept in heart and kept as memories
We love you, we miss you, we cherish you...
Our superstar.... GRANDMA!
Handmade photo frame of the grandchildren

Our last and only portrait with you... 1996

The Empty Rattan Chair

As I hold her wrinkled hand in mine
I look at her eyes so divine
The smile on her face shows joy in her heart
It shall remain and never depart...
She sits in her rattan chair
She falls asleep there
The television switched off while she sleeps
"Grandma, you're tired go in and sleep...."
"No I'm not, I'm still awake."
She never leaves her favourite rattan chair...
When she arises from the chair "Nanti, nanti"
Nothing else to compare but her words for me to share...
Now as I look at the empty rattan chair,
All I could see is she is not there
It still remains in the living hall,
The empty rattan chair....